You have finished college, got your first job, and you’re now earning your own money! Congratulations! But, how would you be able to manage your money now? Are you financially literate? Being a young adult sure brings up a lot of responsibilities, and finance might be one of the...
Read more4 Surefire Ways to Save For Your Child’s Education As your child grows up, you can’t help but to notice that everyday expenses grow high as well. You may fear that one day would come when working hard would no longer be adequate to sustain your child’s needs. Every...
Read moreWith over 37 years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant, Terry L. Kime understands the importance of financial literacy. He decided to specialize in tax preparation, financial planning, and investing after obtaining his Master’s Degree in Science of Taxation in 1986 to help people gain more power over their money.