You have finished college, got your first job, and you’re now earning your own money! Congratulations! But, how would you be able to manage your money now? Are you financially literate? Being a young adult sure brings up a lot of responsibilities, and finance might be one of the...
Read moreWhy You Should Hire a Financial Advisor for Personal Finance Learning how to manage our wealth is one of the most complicated aspects of our adult lives, however, this is also one of the most important knowledge we should have. We can’t blame them, however, since this is not...
Read moreAll of us eventually will retire at some point of our lives. When we hear the word “retirement” we feel mixed emotions, mostly anxiety. Some of us have plans, some don’t have an idea and some get advice from some financial advisors. But over the past years, we heard...
Read moreWith over 37 years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant, Terry L. Kime understands the importance of financial literacy. He decided to specialize in tax preparation, financial planning, and investing after obtaining his Master’s Degree in Science of Taxation in 1986 to help people gain more power over their money.